Dunlop School Facilities Resource Guide
UC Irvine EHS School Coordinators are Environmental Health & Safety staff acting as liaisons to each of UCI’s academic schools. EHS coordinators can represent your needs to EHS, help identify and report unsafe conditions, provide compliance assistance, answer health & safety questions, and clarify regulatory requirements.

Lorena Andrade
EHS Coordinator
Charlie Dunlop School of Biological Sciences
School of Social Ecology
2128 Natural Sciences I
Phone: (949) 824-2221
Helpful links
Other resources
UC Irvine Emergency Management
The mission of the UC Irvine Emergency Management Division is to ensure the UC Irvine community is prepared to respond to and recover from any emergency or disaster event impacting our campus, and to ensure the safety and sustainment of our students, staff, faculty and visitors, as well to maintain the continuity of critical research and academics through which UC Irvine serves the world.
> Visit the UC Irvine Emergency Management Website
UC Irvine Police Department
The University of California, Irvine Police Department, provides contemporary law enforcement services including patrol, traffic, investigations, community engagement, crime prevention and suppression, and security services to a daily population of more than 50,000 people.
> Visit the UC Irvine Police Department Website
UC Irvine Facilities Management
Facilities Management is proud to support the campus mission of advancing UCI’s brilliant future by creating a physical environment that allows our students, faculty and staff to thrive. Our goal is to provide safe, reliable and clean spaces through high quality maintenance, operation, planning and renovation services for our 1,475-acre main campus.
> Visit the UC Irvine Facilities Management Website